Helping you live more deeply rooted in the healing, soul restoring love of God
We are all on a journey of becoming who we already are. We are already fully known, loved and accepted.
But the pain, shame and disappointment we experience through our families, our world and even our churches leave us disconnected from God, ourselves and others.
We invite you on a journey into high, wide, long and deep love of God that heals and restores.
Roots&Branches is a refuge and resource for soul care and emotional healing.
Through listening prayer, spiritual direction, individual and group coaching, Enneagram consulting, contemplative practices and equipping, we help you and your community live more deeply rooted and grounded in the love of Christ. A few things about us….
We create noise-free, shame-free, formula-free space, opening the way to encounter the expanse of God’s love and healing grace.
We believe listening is the beginning of restoration—listening to God, to our own hearts, and to others.
Over nearly a decade, we’ve met with hundreds of people on their personal journeys. Over 80% of our clients report new and lasting change in their lives.
Welcome friends! We’re so glad you’re here. How can we serve you?
Soul Care and Contemplative Healing
Meet with our team for sessions customized to you with your choice of listening prayer, spiritual direction, and/or Enneagram work. All are welcome!
A spiritual director is a trained listener who will accompany you as you share about your spiritual journey, helping you to notice God’s presence and activity along the way. Contemplative healing is a practice that opens safe space for you to connect with God for inner healing and restoration of the soul. Opening noise-free, formula-free, shame-free space, we listen and watch together for how God wants to meet you to restore and heal.
Enneagram Coaching and Consulting
Enneagram consulting can equip you on your journey towards greater connectedness with God, yourself and others. You will begin to understand your unique gifting along with what drives the patterns, habits and behaviors you use to interact with the world. This enables you to invite God to meet you where you are and join him in what he has for you. Moreover, as you gain understanding of the other eight numbers, you get a peek into the way those around you see the world. This understanding improves your relationships.
Personal Enneagram coaching and consulting for your group or team will help you understand your unique gifting as well as how you interact with the world.
Equipping, Retreats and Events
We’d love to lead and equip your community or team through retreats and customized events centered in prayerful, transformational practices. The rooted journey takes us deeper together into the high, wide, long, and deep love of God. As we learn to create safe space and encounter his presence, we are changed and healed; and we become a little more who we already are. Invite us to join you in person or online as we help you create safe, healing, contemplative space in community.
Podcast, YouTube, book and free digital resources for your journey!
Join us for spiritual practices, interviews and experiences all designed to help you live more deeply rooted. The rooted (IN).ten.tionally podcast and YouTube channel create safe space and invite you to prayerful practices designed to help you connect with God and your true self. In each episode, we share a spiritual practice that will help you listen to God and to your own heart. Find the podcast, Susan’s book, a free group guide, free devotionals, and more downloadable resources to fuel your growth. rooted (IN): Thriving in Connection with God, Yourself, and Others invites you into spiritual paths and practices that open the way to living rooted and grounded in the healing, restoring love of Christ.
Meet Susan Carson
Susan is the Founder and Executive Director of Roots&Branches. She founded this nonprofit in 2012 with a passion to create safe spaces for transformational encounters with Jesus through listening, prayer and spiritual practices. As a spiritual guide and certified spiritual director, she’s facilitated meaningful encounters with Jesus for hundreds of spiritual seekers. Susan is a spiritual mentor, speaker, podcaster, blogger, pray-er, author of the spiritual guidebook, rooted (IN): Thriving in Connection with God, Yourself, and Others, and host of the rooted (IN).ten.tionally podcast and YouTube channel. She’s currently pursuing a Masters of Theology with St. Stephen’s University.
Meet with Susan for personal sessions customized to fit your needs, choosing spiritual direction, contemplative healing prayer or a combination of both. Or invite Susan to lead and equip your community in retreats and events centered in prayerful, transformational practices.
Meet Jenny Jackson
Jenny is the Associate Director of Roots&Branches and has been an inner healing practitioner with R&B since 2014. An Enneagram consultant, she holds both basic and advanced certifications through the International Enneagram Association (IEA). She has completed Enneagram and Spiritual Formation with Suzanne and Joe Stabile, Knowing the Enneagram 201 for Therapists with Enneagram Insights, Knowing the Enneagram 401 with Enneagram Insights, Care and Keeping of Your Number with Suzanne Stabile, How to Develop Your Repressed Center with Suzanne Stabile. Jenny participated in the study group Integrating our Many Selves with Peter O’Hanrahan . Jenny participates in ongoing continuing education through an Enneagram Cadre with Enneagram Insights. She has developed and taught the course The Enneagram: A Tool for Transformation.
A lifelong student of the human mind and spirit, Jenny holds a bachelor's degree in occupational therapy, and a masters in marriage and family counseling. Jenny writes and speaks on topics such as listening, trauma, inner healing, and the Enneagram.
“I’m so very grateful for Susan Carson and Roots&Branches Network. Their work in facilitating healing, growth and a living connection to Infinite Love through practices such as ‘listening prayer’ is precisely what’s needed in our era and culture of confusion, alienation and despair. I commend those who resonate with these needs to their ministry.